

Mar 07

Guest Interview – Shannon Shaw

It is my pleasure to introduce thriller writer Shannon Shaw, who shares some thoughts about his writing with us.

Tell us about you

I am a lifelong resident of Alabama. I currently live in the Rocket City which is better known as Huntsville. I have been a high school teacher and a coach for the past sixteen years. I just retired from being a high school head football coach to spend more time with my family and to invest more in my writing. I am married to a wonderful woman who has been the inspiration for several of my strong female characters.  She has been my rock and has supported my writing through every step.  She likes to say she is my biggest fan plus her technical writing expertise comes in handy in a pinch. We have one amazing daughter. She is 4 going on 21 at the moment, but she is fantastic. She asks me every night if she can help me write. Lately, she has been asking me to create her a children’s book.  I have been secretly sketching out the details. It will be a private copy just for her.

Tell us about your book

My current book is called Returns. It is a thriller set in the fictional town of Everett Valley, Georgia.  The tale revolves around Samuel Carsten.  He is a young part time journalist and professor. He is called to the reading of his estranged grandfather’s will to find things are not what they seem.  Soon, he is burdened with the knowledge of the horrors of his family.  Samuel can choose to bury the unspeakable acts and become extremely wealthy or have the secret exposed and destroy his life.

What motivated you to write this particular story?

I have always been fascinated by people that create chaos in the world through their unspeakable acts.  I think often times we tend to forget the impact killers have on their own families and the lasting legacy.  I was watching a documentary about serial killers when the idea popped into my head.  I ran from the room to jot down some notes and the book was born.

What can readers expect when they open your book(s)?

I try to develop stories where the reader feels invested in the lives of the characters. When you pick up my book I want there to be expectations of my writing. I want people to know they will have to think, but at the same time it will be a wild ride.

What makes your book(s) unique?

Characters with real emotions, real pain, but ultimately the works are fun and exciting.  I also try to create worlds unlike the worlds readers have encountered before.  I think small, unique details are critical.

Where do you get your ideas?

I will see a topic and think that I can change it into something bent or twisted. Sometimes I will hear a song or hear a word that will trigger and emotional response then build the story outward.

Are you currently working on a project?

I am writing the first book in my Created series. The series follows the main character as he deals with a government cover up while struggling to learn how to become a vampire.  As his past and future collide, he must make hard decisions about which world he wants to belong.  The underlying story seems simple, but there are several twists that are very original including zombie nurses, nanotechnology and patchwork monsters to name a few.

This first book has been a pleasure to write. Every day I find new ways to explain and expand the world. My biggest obstacle is trying to contain the directions that all of my characters want to contain me. The development of the characters and building the world has been an amazing experience. I have written parts of the first three books. I hope to have the first book available April 2012.

What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment as a writer?

I know many writers who never take the hardest step which is putting his or her work before the masses. I am very proud to say that I have published my first book. The more I think of it at the moment I think I am prouder that I haven’t rested on my laurels and strive every day to get another book pushed out.

What advice do you have for others who are trying to get published or going self published?

I want people to understand that writing should not be about the money. I know many aspiring authors read the great stories about people writing books becoming rich seemingly overnight, but for many of those writers it has been hard work and multiple works that have pushed out which have created the success. The easy way to explain what every writer should do is simple; work. Write a book you are proud of and want to share. Once the book is published, market and write then write and write some more.

Can you explain your writing process?

I have tried it all, but have found the best way for me is to write from an outline. An outline creates a great guide to keep me from going in all different directions and thus not get anything finished.  I will sometimes let myself ramble within an idea as long as it moves the story forward though not often.

Any fun facts you are willing to share?

I tend to write thrillers, but I have a passion for horror and paranormal.  I have parts of over seven books in some form of being written. Returns is part of the series entitled All The Dead Bodies. The next book is entitled The Business of Death. Created is planned out for a five book series, but could be as few as three. My wife is crazy about this series and wants there to be ten but I don’t see it at the moment though you never can tell.

What format does your book(s) come in?

Currently, my book is enrolled in the Kindle Select Program. I am exclusively through Amazon until April. The addition of new titles to my catalogue is making strongly consider branching out, but so far the Amazon experience has been amazing for me.

Links to your books? Amazon: http://amzn.to/AwiA4U

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/ShannonShaw

Blog/Website: http://www.shannonshawbooks.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shannonfshaw

Twitter: ShannonFShaw

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/shannonfshaw

Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/shannonfshaw

1 comment

  1. NancyP

    Thank you Shannon. I have enjoyed reading your interview. Best of luck with your books.
    Nancy Popovich

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