

Jun 18

Uncovering Physical Characteristics of Characters

Confession time. I prefer to be a panster. There, I’ve said it, despite the gasps. Oh the heresy. Hear me out.

For this latest book, Genetrix: The Amity, I did what the ‘experts’ claim to be the ‘proper’ way to write.  Besides my normal research, I wrote an outline, divided it into quarters for the proper arc, and put scenes into chapters.  Then, a card for each character, with personality and physical assets joined this organized approach

I’ll be honest, this book did not flow as easily for me, because I was cognizant of the rules, and tried to stay within my outline. It felt like my imagination was confined within the outline set down. There weren’t many OMG! moments where a scene revealed itself and I loved where it went and the domino effect it set up.

When I decided to set up the GENETRIX World page, drawing the characters and places was part of the idea. As I drew the caricatures, some surprises emerged, physical components I missed while putting together the character cards. Then the penny dropped.  I am admittedly visually oriented and an actual visualization of what is in my imagination was a lesson learned to be used again.

Now, to return to the work in progress and hopefully enrich the characters more with this information. I’ve included the newly published caricature of ghostly Cee, the character introduced this week.  Stay tuned for next week’s character, Rupert.