

Apr 14

Spring has Sprung: Or at Least We Hope…

Spring flowers


Winter was mild, a bit windy but it was long enough.  It  hasn’t let go its grip completely. There’s still snow in the mountains and when the wind whistles through, it’s still got a chill.

The flowering trees and shrubs have decided it’s spring. The photo of magnolias was taken this afternoon. The saying here is when you see the forsythia bloom, it’s safe to prune the rose bushes.

Having lived on the prairies for many more moons than I shall confess, I  still wait with bated breath for the first rose to bloom. They grow so well here; in Alberta they might as well be called annuals. Apologies to my Albertan friends, but it’s true.

There is nothing more mood changing than sunshine, mild temperatures and cheery spring flowers.  Happy spring!