

Sep 17

Spies & Lies Lives…

As I watch the downloads for Spies & Lies, I feel justification that folks have chosen to download the book (or perhaps the first few chapters). Putting yourself out there, as I imagine most authors feel, is frightening.  More so, I think, then sending the prescribed manuscripts in the prescribed form to the publishing houses, with the self-addressed, stamped envelopes required, waiting months to receive the envelope back with a computer generated rejection letter. I’ve had dozens of those, which is why my stories have sat on my computer since the early 2000’s. It does sting the ego more than a little.

The sage advice given, is that not every good book will be published in the traditional manner.  It’s simply a fact of life. There are an overwhelming number of good authors and stories out there.

Smashwords, however, allows you to continue to believe in your story, tell your story and continue to love the characters that you create – and publish!  And I agree with Mark Cocker, indie authors and epublishing are the way of the future.

Yes, you must market your books.  But, I have downloaded ebooks, long before it I encountered Smashwords, loved their stories, and have followed the authors since then.  I was a consumer long before I understood that this was possible for my books.

It occurs to me that all that has been said in this blog is I, I, I. Well, being in the position of being able to state my opinion without opposition, the I’s have it! 😉