What is “Spies & Lies?” It is the book that will be published on October 6th, 2011. Why this one when I have others that precede it? Good question.
I chose to begin with this book because the next three books are so closely connected to this one, that it made sense. The characters and the theme are consistent and quite honestly, I love the characters. They have taken on a life of their own to me.
For example, I have a character of Eastern European origin that I used in Spies & Lies as a means to the end that I had envisioned. Lesson learned. I liked him and wanted to use him again. That is one of the major benefits of creating characters – you can use them as you need them.
Also, this suits my writing style. When I envision a book, I see the beginning, some of the high points and the end. Then, as I begin to write, things happen. Characters take on a life of their own, sometimes diverting from what I initially thought that they would do. And I let them because I like the result better than what I had envisioned. This might be the same for other writers and it may not be. However, it works for me.