No question about it, my favourite books are in series. Why?
Because, I have always felt some kind of grief when leaving characters that I have enjoyed and wanted to know more about when a book ends. Kudoos to the authors that made me fall in love with their characters. However, when an author invests in these characters and continues to build and to flesh and grow out the ones that I have begun to care about, I’m there for every new book.
One of my favourites is the JD Robb series. The characters change and evolve, but they are the same characters that I liked to begin with. Only now, I am always interested to see what’s happening in the future with the folks that I enjoy.
This leads me to say that this is the reason that I have written a series of books that involve characters that are continuous. Undoubtedly, it’s because I like these characters and want to share their growth and adventures with everyone.